The Young Woman’s Manyano is the Methodist Young Women’s Prayer and Service Union (MYWP&SU) which strives for the realisation of potential and promotes living as transformed disciples called to develop and attain holistic growth through skills development, talent promotion, provision of safe spaces and advocacy for healing and transformation.
The YWM operates in terms of a constitution which contains its principles and is subject to approval by Conference or the Connexional Executive of the MCSA from time to time.
The Methodist Women’s Prayer and Service Union (MWP&SU)
known as Women’s Manyano is as an organisation of women within the Methodist Church of Southern Africa (MCSA). It is founded in Christian values. The operations of Women’s Manyano are guided by the organisation’s constitution and its members are subject to the discipline and authority of the MCSA.
The aim of the Guild movement is that of young people banding together to help one another grow in Christian maturity. In pursuing this aim the movement has come to realise the need for a model to help in planning an to remind it of the facets of a young person’s life.
The Young Men’s Guild is an organization of Methodist men who have accepted the calling of Jesus Christ to engage in the holistic mission of the church. This organization shall always strive to embrace the vision of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa (MCSA), which is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ for continuous healing and transformation of the church and communities.